Ruhnu Cultural Center

A cultural center located in the middle of the village, where you can take part in or carry out many special events. In the summer, the Ruhnu Cultural Center mainly hosts exhibitions, showings of the historical film program and pre-ordered events, but keep an eye on the cultural calendar – there may be various surprise events happening all the time!
During the summer period, a cafe called Planet Ruhnu is open in the Ruhnu Cultural Center, regular film screenings and events take place, information about which can be found on the Ruhnu Kultuuriruumi page. During the winter period, movie nights, craft and pottery circles, memory and board game nights, dance nights and much more take place that gives a reason to get together and spend time together.
The Ruhnu Cultural Center has 2 floors, both are used according to the event or situation – a larger hall on the first floor and an activity room on the second floor. If you want to organize company inspiration days in Ruhnu, organize a conference or hold an event, contact us and we will help you organize everything you need. We have the necessary sound and audio equipment, the possibility of catering and organizing workshops.
Larger hall for an event: €25/h
Larger hall for the day: 200€/day
Activity room for an event: €15/h
Activity room for the day: €100/day
P.S. Contact us for a detailed price list and booking conditions.
Book in advance and find out more:
+372 5434 0805
Use of images only with Ruhnu rural government permission.