Museum and Korsi Farm

Open from April to the end of October. By prior agreement the museum and Korsi Farm can be visited all year round. The museum displays old Ruhnu work and household tools, folk costumes, photos and texts on the history and nature of the island. The collection comprises the rare, almost 7200-year old quartz tools of seal hunters, a dragon head – shaped weather vane of the church from 1644, a seal gun etc. The three centuries old Korsi Farm, the only fully preserved farm complex of the Ruhnu Swedes, is under renovation.
+372 5667 5269 -Ruth
Open Tuesday – Sunday
Ticket prices:
Student 2 €
University student 3 €
Adult 3,5 €
At any other time when the museum is closed call the number above.
Use of images only with Ruhnu rural government permission.